Today Relic is the most sought-after and innovative platform that has revolutionized the way of monitoring software developments and web applications in the current era of technologies.

By gathering and analyzing data from diverse digital sources, relic offers insight into your system and provides a complete solution. 

Basically, synthetic monitoring is the process of monitoring the application performance, user experience, and API functionality. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will make you aware of how to get synthetics monitoring to work in a new relic. So, let’s dive into it.

What is New Relic

Before we dig deeper into it, it is necessary to be well familiar with all the terms of synthetic monitoring. New Relic is a cloud-based  APM, Application performance management solution that is designated to assist you in monitoring your app performance, tracking its condition, and modifying it as per the requirement.  It keeps monitoring your app‘s inconsistency and performance. 

What is Synthetic Monitoring

According to Getassist, Synthetic Monitoring is an easy approach to understanding the anomalies of your app, when it may crash or perform outstandingly based on the data received from the server. It is a centralized monitoring process that monitors the performance, availability, and functionality of your app and helps manage it. 

Aside from that Synthetic monitoring provides a comprehensive insight into the performance of your app, user experience, and API functionality of web applications. 

Besides this, it also predicts the upcoming errors and failures that may affect user experience and sends alerts to you.

How to Get Synthetic Monitoring to Work in a New Relic

Here is how to get synthetic monitoring to work in the new relic

  • Select a Synthetic Monitoring

From the plethora of monitors, you need to pick the one that depends upon what you want to monitor. 

Locate and choose the Synthetic monitor, from the left side of the dashboard, and you will be redirected to “Create your first monitor option”

After that navigate to > Synthetic monitoring> Create your First Monitor.

You will be on the Create Monitor page where you have seven types of monitors available.

 options to choose from.

Pick the availability monitoring. Here you may look into advanced options like verifying SSL, and bypassing head requests. After that pick at least three locations to run the monitor. Once finished, tap on “Save Monitor”  

  • Summary Page

To view the insights of your Synthetic Monitor, Click on its summary page. You will receive a “Critical alert” for this select monitor. From here you can manage Alert policies. 

  • Monitor Generated Results    

From here you can check how your app works and identify where the issue occurs. Here are the steps to do so:  

  1. Go to New Relic and Synthetics.
  2. Pick your monitor, from the monitor’s tab
  3. Tap on “Monitors ” and then results
  • Understanding Resource Load Time

. You will get a details report from the synthetic resources page. To do so follow the steps 

  1. First of all, visit the New Relic
  2. Go to “Synthetic”
  3. Select your monitor from the drop-down menu
  4. Tap on “Monitor”, then Resources.

And you are done with it.


You can now check the performance of your app in various cities by picking the cities from the list and getting the summary of the monitoring at the top of the dashboard. Representing the statistics, failed tests, and success rates, it provides you with a set of results in five beautiful graphs including performance timing, domain request, duration, Average size resource types along with the error response code.